
‘Creatogether’: Givaudan Collaborates with TMIC to Launch Fragrance Industry’s First AI-powered Fragrance Co-creation Service in China
“Creatogether”: Givaudan kooperiert mit TMIC, um den branchenweit ersten KI-basierten Co-Creation-Service für Riechstoffe in China zu lancieren.
Azelis receives 2023 Ringier Technology Innovation Award for Personal Care
Azelis Strengthens its Position in the Chinese Personal Care Market with the Acquisition of CosBond
BASF Announces an Innovation Partnership with Start-up Ingredi, China, including a Strategic Equity Investment
BASF: Innovationspartnerschaft einschließlich strategischer Kapitalbeteiligung mit dem chinesischen Start-up-Unternehmen Ingredi
BASF’s Personal Care Business Succeeds in Obtaining New Cosmetic Ingredient Notification for Symbiocell® in China
Clariant Announces New Investments to Enhance Chinese Ethoxylation Plant
CP Kelco Reports Extensive Progress in Expansion of Biogums Production Capacity at U.S., China Facilities
Givaudan eröffnet neuen Digital Space, einen digitalen Raum, um Innovationen voranzutreiben und das Wachstum des Unternehmens gemeinsam mit seinen Kunden in China fortzusetzen
Givaudan Leads Fine Fragrance Digital Innovation through First-of-its-kind Partnership with Tmall in China
Givaudan Opens new Digital Space to Drive Innovation and Continue Growing with its Customers in China
Givaudan übernimmt die Führung bei der digitalen Innovation in der Luxusparfümerie durch die erste Partnerschaft ihrer Art mit Tmall in China
Givaudan Unveils L’Appartement 125, its New Dedicated Fine Fragrance Creative Centre in Shanghai, China
IFF To Open New State-of-the-Art Center for Innovation in Shanghai
IFF Unveils China Scent Exploration Program to Drive Next-Generation Fragrance
Lubrizol Opens Beauty Research Institute in Shanghai, China
Nouryon Awarded Responsible Care® Merit Award in China
PCHi 2023 Concludes with Record Attendance in Guangzhou
PCHi 2025: Embodying Technology, Power, and Spirit for the Personal Care Industry
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