
Ashland Opens New Personal Care Technical Center in Hamburg, Germany
Biesterfeld Adds New Member to Personal Care Sales Team
Biesterfeld and J. Rettenmaier & Söhne (JRS) Conclude Distribution Agreement for Personal Care Segment in Germany
Biesterfeld stärkt Personal Care Sales Team
Biesterfeld und J. Rettenmaier & Söhne (JRS) schließen Distributionsvereinbarung für das Segment Personal Care in Deutschland
DQS Presents Symrise with Sustainability Award
DQS vergibt Nachhaltigkeits-Auszeichnung an Symrise
Evonik eröffnet neue Anlage für nachhaltige Emollients am Standort Steinau
Evonik Opens New Plant for Sustainable Emollients at its Steinau Site in Germany
For a Climate-friendly Industry: Using Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen as Raw Materials for Sustainable Chemicals
IKW: Beauty and Home Care: Domestic Sales Revenues Grow. Exports Plummet.
IKW: Schönheits- und Haushaltspflege: Inlandsumsatz wächst. Export geht stark zurück.
KRAHN Chemie Expands Biocides Cooperation with LANXESS
Quimivita Launches in France and Germany: New Subsidiaries to Strengthen its Presence in the International Market
Quimivita startet in Deutschland und Frankreich: neue Tochtergesellschaften zur stärkung der Präsenz auf dem internationalen Markt (2)
Safic-Alcan Announces Extended Partnership with Nouryon in Europe
Summit Cosmetics: Welcome to our New Employees
Symrise Supports Germany’s Climate Policy Goals
Symrise unterstützt klimapolitische Ziele Deutschlands
Vantage™ Increasing Production Capacity for Mild and Sulfate-Free Surfactants Intermediate
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