Natural Oat Peptides from Biotechnology for Tailor-Made Hair Repair despite the Level of Damage
Natural Oil and Ester Mixture as a High-performing, Sustainable Alternative to Silicone Oils in Hair Care
Natural Pearl Shampoo
Naturange – Color that Treats Hair Kindly by Lubrizol Life Science - Beauty
Nature Derived Styling Polymers with Heat Protection Benefits
Natürlich derivatisierte Stylingpolymere mit Hitzeschutzeigenschaften
NeoTech Beauty Concepts to be Unveiled by IMCD Beauty & Personal Care at in-cosmetics Global
Neue Daten bestätigen Wirksamkeit von SymReboot™ L19, der probiotischen Lösung für gesunde Kopfhaut in Shampoos
Neue Energie für gestresste Haarfollikel – Mibelle Biochemistry launcht SantEnergy™
Neuer Wirkstoff gegen Frizz überzeugt im Vergleich mit Spitzenprodukt
Neues, nachhaltiges, flüssiges Diesterquat basierend auf Olivenöl bietet herausragende Vorteile für Ihre Formulierungen
New bio-based active ingredient for effective, thermal protection care
New Clinical Data Suggests: Symrise Anti-dandruff Active Promotes Healthy Scalp Microbiome
New Data Underlines Efficacy of Symrise SymReboot™ L19 as a Processed-probiotic Scalp Solution in Shampoo
New Energy for Stressed Hair Follicles – Mibelle Biochemistry Launches SantEnergy™
New SILAB Studies: NUTRIPEPTIDES® - A Repairing Concentrate for Hair Beauty
New Sustainable Liquid Diesterquat Based on Olive Oil with Outstanding Benefits for Your Formulations
Not a Shampoo! (Scalp Purifying Powder)
Nourishing Botanicals Hair Mask
Omya: Clean Beauty: Back-to-nature with Added Value