*NEW* Provital's Haircare Active Ingredient | Densinaria™
A New Cosmetic Grade of PDO for Sustainable, High-performance and Conscious Beauty Products
BASF präsentiert neuen dermokosmetischen Wirkstoff Castaline® für zu Atopie neigende Haut auf der Cosmet’Agora 2022
BASF Showcases New Dermocosmetic Active Ingredient Castaline® for atopic-prone skin at Cosmet’Agora 2022
Beauty in a Nutshell
Cosphatec Launches Cosphaderm® Hexiol Natural, a New Addition to the Natural Diols Range.
Erneuter Zuwachs bei den natürlichen Diolen: Cosphatec launcht Cosphaderm® Hexiol natural
Introducing a Sustainable Skincare Revolution with Naturally Sourced Retinol
Introducing a Sustainable Skincare Revolution with Naturally Sourced Retinol
Seppic Launches SAGACIOUS™, a Biomimetic and Eco-designed Active Ingredient that Restores Skin Firmness
Seppic Reveals the Effectiveness of SOLAGUMTM TARA for More Natural Hair Care
Symrise Develops SymHair® Thermo, a Sustainable Ingredient to Protect Hair from Heat
Symrise entwickelt nachhaltigen Inhaltsstoff SymHair® Thermo zum Schutz des Haars vor Hitze