T. Vollner
The LMC Cosmetics Conference on February 1, 2018, offered information on cosmetics law and neighboring legal fields.The LMC Cosmetics Conference on February 1, 2018, offered information on cosmetics law and neighboring legal fields.Fundamental changes were made to cosmetics law in Switzerland in May 2017. Although closely oriented to EU law, Swisscosmetics law has several exceptions and special features. A closer look at cosmetics monitoring revealed that the productinformation file serves as the central document and that it is inspected in part on location during site inspection and in partduring document review by the responsible inspectors. Additionally, it became clear that monitoring of banned substances incosmetic products and the definition of technical unavoidability of these substances is a further challenge. Recording of seriousundesirable effects of cosmetic products in accordance with EU Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009 in the product informationfile and reporting to the responsible authorities were presented. A serious undesirable effect would, for example, be the occurrenceof restricted functioning in the user, the necessity for ahospital visit or imminent risk to life. The Scientific Committeeon Consumer Safety (SCCS) is an independent body ofthe EU Commission tasked with analyzing the risk associatedwith cosmetics ingredients and advising the EU Commissionon scientific issues related to consumer safety. The SCCS hascompiled and published guidelines for evaluation of cosmeticsingredients and finished cosmetics products. These guidelinesare currently in their ninth revision. Different aspects ofselecting raw materials for a cosmetics agent were examined.The question of “who is liable when?” in regard to responsibilitieswithin the supply chain was clearly elucidated.