The sea is a place of yearning for many people. It calms us and makes us happy. Why does it work this way? From a psychological point of view, there are three main factors which play a role.

  1. The sea can be experienced with all our senses. We can not only see, hear and feel it, but also smell and taste it. This sensual experience offers a pleasant contrast to our modern everyday lives.

  2. The vastness of the sea allows our gaze to wander to the horizon undisturbed and presents us with a broader perspective on life and a sensational feeling of freedom. The rhythm of the waves roughly corresponds to the rhythm of slow breathing and has a calming effect on us.

  3. The sea is good for our health. The higher sunlight exposure alleviates depressive moods and the bracing climate stimulates our immune system.

The sea does not only improve our well-being, our oceans are also an integral constituent of the global ecosystem. Oceans are a source of food, produce more than half of the oxygen in our atmosphere, regulate the climate and protect us against the greenhouse effect. But our seas are under threat. In addition to overfishing and the extraction of crude oil, it is primarily plastic waste and microplastics which pollute our oceans. Up to 12 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans every year, endangering the lives of seabirds and marine animals, disrupting global food chains, reducing biodiversity and accelerating climate change.

In the cosmetics industry, in addition to packaging, it is primarily microplastics in the formulations which contribute to marine pollution. Consumers continue to be increasingly environmentally conscious, better informed and therefore critical of harmful ingredients. We take our responsibility as a supplier of active ingredients seriously and developed three natural formulations without microplastics for an unclouded summer feeling, inspired by our love for the sea

Take Me to the Ocean Mist

1961 4027 20220603 121932 02 CLR NL 22 06 OceanMist

This extremely light formulation is instantly absorbed by skin leaving a smooth and pleasant feel. It is specifically developed for skin which needs support to stay hydrated and provides skin with a holistic and effective answer to its most important needs in a stressful environment.

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Conditioning Styling Foam

1969 4027 20220603 121932 03 CLR NL 22 06 StylingFoam

This natural Conditioning Styling Foam nourishes your hair and brings it easily into shape. Two highly potent active ingredients work synergistically together for beautiful and healthy hair. MultiMoist CLR™ and Vitamin F forte have strong hair moisturizing and conditioning abilities.

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Softening Lip Balm

1971 4027 20220603 121932 04 CLR NL 22 06 LipBalm

Soft lips are attractive but the thin skin of the lips reacts particularly susceptible to external influences and needs a lot of moisture. The smart combination of MultiMoist CLR™ and Vitamin F forte provides dry and strained lips with what they need.

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1915 3839 20220505 115854 04 CLR NL 22 05 MeetUs

Seoul, South Korea, 13.-15.07.2022
Stand B50
in-cosmetics Korea 

Shanghai, China, 18.-20.07.2022
Stand 2Q01
PCHi China

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