Circa 71 % der Verbraucher geben an, empfindliche Haut zu haben und äußern den Wunsch nach geeigneten Alternativen für eine milde Hautreinigung. Croda hat in diesem Jahr ein neues ultra-mildes Glykolipid-Biotensid vorgestellt, das sich perfekt für eine besonders milde Reinigung eignet.

After the great success at this year’s BSB Innovation Awards in spring, we are excited to share that our efficacy-proven, substantiated extract Immortelle Oil Pro, based on the golden immortelle flower, was awarded the 1st prize at the BSB Innovation Award Environment in the category raw material section skin imperfections, even skin and enhancement of skin appearance. 

V/WA™ is a fully vertically integrated product, completely controlling the three steps of the process: D/scover, Develop and Del/ver. V/WA™ is the active ingredient obtained from the fermentation of a newly identified Alteromonas species: Alteromonas lipotrueae.

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