‘The essence of Well-being’
‘The essence of Well-being’
Clariant Active Ingredients Unveils Future-ready Beauty Inspired by Traditions Called “RetroFuture”
Enhancement of Emotional Wellbeing and Skin Complexion with Timut Pepper Extract
Givaudan lanciert VivaScentzTM, eine bahnbrechende Riechstoff-Innovation zur Steigerung des Wohlbefindens von Konsumenten
Givaudan Launches VivaScentz™, a Leading Edge Fragrance Innovation to Enhance Consumer Well-being
Givaudan takes Wellbeing to the Next Level with ‘Well&Be’, its Multisensorial Creative Territory
Innovations and Solutions at the Heart of Beauty Needs and Trends
Innovations and Solutions at the Heart of Beauty Needs and Trends
Oxytocin in der Haut – natürlich entspannt
Oxytocin in the Skin, a Great Actor for a Relaxing Effect
SILAB: MYOLINE® The Anti-stress Mineral Concentrate for Sublimated Skin
sofw journal 3-2024
sofw journal 3-2024
Stress and Skin; in Search of Psychological Well-being and Cutaneous Homeostasis
Stress und Haut; auf der Suche nach psychischem Wohlbefinden und Homöostase der Haut
The science behind effective skincare – Three generations of advanced active ingredient release
Verbesserung des emotionalen Wohlbefindens und des Hautbildes mit Timut-Pfeffer-Extrakt