Everyone’s talking about the Metaverse – an ideal world in which biodiversity, diversity and creativity flourish. So can it also provide inspiration for sensual, fragrant moments of joy in real life? Happy Eden, a brand new trend concept by Düllberg Konzentra, aims to prove that it most certainly can.
The best proof comes from nature itself: diversity increases the ability to survive – and also boosts a system’s productivity. Difference and diversity make everything stronger, they generate creativity and innovation. Even major corporations have realised that diversity is a driver for success, while monocultures are bound to stagnate.
Things that feel like they’re part of a wonderful, peaceful utopia have long since become reality in the hyperreal Metaverse. All those who dream of revitalising and recharging the reality with the diversity of the ideal world is welcome here: there is no limit to creativity and freedom in the virtual world. “The Metaverse, this utopian space, is an experimental laboratory for reality”, explains Lisa-Marie Achilles, Düllberg Konzentra. “We can already experience the creative, fanciful recombination of the familiar and the fictional – for instance, in interior design trends that play with futuristic, organic shapes and cheerful, abstract fabric designs.”
The Hamburg fragrance house is harnessing the appeal of these joyful combinations in Happy Eden, a new concept that features fantastic fragrance ideas specially designed for shower products: fruits and blossoms – natural ingredients plucked straight from the Garden of Eden – are blended to create a new, highly unusual and deeply appealing overall package. The lovely horned melon meets the flamenco queen flower, the Vampira apple meets the corn poppy, the pepino fruit meets blue Jacob’s-ladder flowers, the citrus fruit Buddha’s hand meets the proud blossom of the crown imperial.
The joyous notes of the fragrance are reflected in Happy Eden’s sensually charged matching colour concept with its cheerful, summery tones. Here’s to spring/summer 2023: colourful, diverse and sensual – a veritable corner of paradise in real life.