Sponsorship is frequently portrayed as overpriced and of little value to one’s business. If at all considered, then only in professional sports, “anything else is not worth it anyway”. This couldn’t be further from the truth!
Sponsorship is an alternative form of advertising. While advertising is not popular with people in general information overload comes to mind sponsorship is commonly very well received. 75% of the population holds a positive view of the idea of sponsorship.
Therefore it’s a good idea to use sponsorship as a diverse platform to reach your target group in newfound ways. And what’s more: all this is available at a favorable price/performance ratio.
You'll find more information in our sponsoring booklet...

Wide reach: Carefully selected advertising media guarantees a strong presence of your brand
Applicability of the communication mix: Support of your marketing and advertising campaigns with various cross media elements from our selection
High contact frequency: A strategic placement of advertising media/material will significantly improve your networking opportunities
Immediate measurability: The number of visitors at your booth will give you an immediate feedback of the success of your advertising campaign
An easy way to generate new customers and recruit new employees: You can approach potential custom-ers or even new employees directly. Present your company as an attractive and friendly enterprise.
About 1,000 future customers and potential business partners visit the SEPAWA® CONGRESS virtual. So why not take advantage of this opportunity? After all, a sponsorship agreement with SEPAWA® e.V. means an enormous image boost for your business.
Rest assured, you are supporting a non-profit organization which also invests in tomorrow’s industry. Your industry. Your business.
Sponsorship is well worth the investment! Talk to us, we’re happy to support you with your business goals.