Environmental, health, and societal concerns all play a growing role in today’s consumers’ decision making. The Resilient Beauty trend calls for coming out of the Covid crisis stronger than before, to build a better world – paying more attention to the future of our planet. At DSM, we believe in empowering customers and consumers to make smart choices.


Strike the right balance between SPF performance, cost, sensory factors and eco-friendliness

Sun protection products must become more environmentally friendly – and when original thinking meets established science they can. Our virtual lab, DSM’s SUNSCREEN OPTIMIZER™ 2.0 includes eco-profiling, offering a smart way to choose and combine UV filters for optimum performance. You can save time and expense by assessing the trade-off between eco-friendliness, costs and sensory factors (oil load) already at the project stage.

Its three-tier approach to eco-profiling uses established data under Reach and enables you to make side by side comparisons across different formulations. You can also share results immediately with your co-workers to adjust your products instantly, in real time.

And so that everyone can take action, our tool is available, free of charge to all.
Formulate the eco-friendly way now helping to keep people safe in the sun and to protect our planet: https://www.sunscreen-optimizer.com/user/login.html


DSM eco-classes for UV filter combinations – Now on pack!

Consumers are seeking guidance when it comes to the eco-friendliness of their sun protection.
DSM’s new on-pack Eco-labels are based on established science in respect to the environmental impact following the Persistence, Bioaccumulation and Toxicity profile of all UV filter ingredients in the market, and they are balanced against thorough market and SPF benchmarking.

These easy to understand, ready-to-use graphics give consumers the clarity they seek.

We can support the use of the DSM Eco-labels for your marketing communication; for example, by adding these consumer-friendly symbols to your sun protection products, thus encouraging confident choices and positive brand connections.*

Contact us to use the eco-class logos: info.pc-emea@dsm.com


DSM’s eco-friendly formulation focusing on environmental protection and human health

Glowing Chameleon, a sun protection line of products adapted to everyone and everything that we care about. It’s a combination of active ingredients and textures for every person, every skin type. For those who take care of themselves and the planet.

About DSM

As a global science-based company active in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, DSM is a world leading supplier of vitamins, feed, food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, personal care and aroma ingredients. In sunscreens. DSM is a leading world-wide provider of numerous UV filters, including Avobenzone. More information on DSM’s full catalog of UV filters can be found on the DSM Personal Care website at www.dsm.com/personalcare.

* The DSO2.0 Eco-profiling methodology is DSM Intellectual Property. The Eco-class logos are DSM Trademarks; they can be used after authorization by DSM.

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