J. Nussbaum
The definition and implementation of measures to ensure microbiological product stability, the success controls for the established measures, the detection of internal and external failures as well as their corrections cause costs, the so-called quality costs. Cosmetic companies are interested in minimizing these costs during the production of cosmetics. The aim of this document is to present a concept for a possible cost-saving potential for microbiological expenses in the development and production of cosmetics without compromising the product safety. Every cost-saving consideration is first preceded by an analysis of the failure potentials that could lead to a negative impact on the end product. In every process - whether in product planning, product development or manufacturing of cosmetics - a multitude of such potential failure opportunities can be identified, which are evaluated according to the probability that they will lead to a significant reduction in the quality of the end product. Corresponding protective measures have to be defined and implemented. The next step is to consider the potential for saving testing costs and to implement cost-optimized measures. It is obvious that such optimization measures should be defined at the earliest when it can be demonstrated over a longer period of time that the entire process regarding quality planning, development and manufacturing leads to consistently good results with regard to microbiological purity and stability of the finished product. Optimization measures should be defined with a sense of proportion and evaluated for suitability by considering the entire process.