sofw journal 3-2022
- Personal Care
H. Neibecker, I. Imdahl S. Hettwer, E. Besic Gyenge, B. Suter, B. Obermayer
Ease Stress – But Quickly, Please
O. Expósito, A. Guirado, R. Vallecillo, M. Mas, A. Gallego, P. Riera, D. Luna, T. Ruiz, S. Laplana, S. Ruiz, M. Gibert, K. Lingen, O. NiggemannBoosting Emotional Wellbeing with Turmeric Stem Cells
S. Digel A. Springer, E. Destler, B. Pazurik, M. Platzer, S. KieseSustainable & Long-lasting: Natural Cosmetics Made from Purely Plant-based Ingredients
A. Wagner S. J. Beckers, A. Friedrich, J. VenzmerFact and Fancy about Lamellar Emulsions – A Closer Look Inside