Journal Edition sofw journal 9-2020


The body’s largest organ, the skin, is one that requires a lot of nourishment and care. Topical skin care applications still have their appeal, but ingestible beauty products are on the fast track. More than ever, the link between nutrition and skin conditions is obvious to consumers. If you provide your body with the right nutrients and create a healthy internal environment, it will show on the outside. Increasing interest from younger consumers keen to preserve their natural youth is a major driver behind the category’s growth. Similarly, the ever-growing ageing population wants to retain a youthful appearance into later life, thus contributing to the demand for high quality beauty ingredients. According to Innova Market Insights, the key trends in new product development are evidence of efficacy, naturality of ingredients and their ability to be multifunctional. Clearly, this creates opportunities for many ingredients. The following article will focus on three main targets for healthy skin: antioxidant protection, elasticity and moisture retention.

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