Journal Edition sofw journal 6-2019


The measure of the emotions is now a well implemented practice in fragrance domain. Thus, the study of emotional benefits obtained by cosmetics product becomes a major issue to remain  competitive. The methodology is based on the emotional response induced by a warming active in a cosmetic formula. In order to measure the emotion induced by a sensorial stimulus, we observed the physiological and the cognitive component of the emotion, completed by a psychological evaluation thanks to a reference questionnaire. In view of the results, it can be concluded that the changes in heart rate generated by the warming cosmetic active compared to the placebo have a significant stimulating effect on the panelists. With regard to the self-evaluation questionnaire, it can be observed that the application of the warming active ingredient gives a feeling of pleasure and a good appreciation. All psychophysiological parameters tend towards stimulation of the cerebral cortex, the heart rate parameter is significantly stimulating and the arousal dimension increases significantly. This last point is therefore correlated with an activation of the body by the sympathetic nervous system.

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