FCE Cosmetique
FCE Cosmetique - International Exhibition of the Technology for the Cosmetic Industry
FCE Cosmetique is the first event to receive new launches from Europe and the only one in Latin America that has always had a presence in the transformation of the sector, bringing together the entire chain of cosmetics industry suppliers and bringing innovation to the Brazilian market.
NürnbergMesse Brasil
Av. das Nações Unidas, 14.261 – Ala B – 11º andar
Vila Gertrudes - CEP 04794-000
São Paulo / SP
Tel 11 3205-5000
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Vila Gertrudes - CEP 04794-000
São Paulo / SP
Tel 11 3205-5000
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São Paulo Expo
Rodovia dos Imigrantes, KM 1.5
Postal Code: 04329-900, São Paulo/SP, Brazil