25th IFSCC Conference 2019
The Cosmetic Science Excellence Highway will lead to Milan, a modern and vibrant metropolis, the Italian capital for economy, fashion and design, a paradise for shopping, trendy, rich with things to do, changing every day! Milan offers top class services, cultural events, shows, artistic spots, education and research institutes; the Conference will be held in MiCo, the largest European Convention Centre, right in the hearth of the modern Milan!
The Conference Scientific program will provide new insight in Cosmetic Science to meet the increasing demand for safety, efficacy, sustainability and ethics;
The Conference Website is intended to reproduce the Universe as a fantastic representation of the conference topics. As per the conceptual fall-out of the newly discovered Trappist-1 sun, Ethics, Science and Conscience are always conflicting! The trappist-1 exoplanets, represented in the homepage, will lead you to the different pages of the site: each planet of the Solar system will give access to different scientific topics, while the Constellations will include the sponsorship categories!
Sicc - Società Italiana di Chimica e Scienze Cosmetologiche
Via G. Mameli, 4
20129 - Milano
www.sicc.it - Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
MiCo – Milano Congressi
Piazzale Carlo Magno, 1 – 20149 Milan, Italy