Seminar: Tools and Strategies for Non-Animal Safety Assessment

Seminar: Tools and Strategies for Non-Animal Safety Assessment

The seminar will focus on the following topics:


  • Scope of available NAMs
  • Regulatory context, IATA, NGRA overview
  • Inhalation risk assessment case study
  • Q&A

State of the Science

  • Skin/eye methods
  • Skin sensitization, incl. risk assessment methods
  • Photosafety assessment
  • Genetic toxicity incl. Toxtracker
  • Break for Q&A included

EC3 derivation workshop

  • This participatory exercise will walk participants through the use of in vitro data to derive a Point of Departure (predicted LLNA EC3) which can be used to evaluate the skin sensitization potency as well as downstream use for risk assessment.

Next-Generation Risk Assessment case study workshop

  • Participants will work in groups to analyze data underlying an NGRA risk assessment evaluating systemic toxicity for a sunscreen ingredient, including systemic and internal exposure, bioactivity, IVIVE, and setting a point of departure. Small group and plenary discussions will follow to discuss how to develop confidence in making safety decisions with non-animal approaches.
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