Skin and Sun Care: Suntastic Skin – SOLD OUT

Skin and Sun Care: Suntastic Skin – SOLD OUT

This SOFW eVENT is a one-day, themed digital eVENT for the skin & sun care industry. It aims to connect participants and companies and to achieve the possible and highest quality output and contact between buyers, sellers and peers. 


Additional Information

This SOFW eVENT is a one-day, themed digital eVENT for the skin & sun care industry. This time it focuses on the following topics:

  • Microbiome friendly & probiotic cosmetics
  • Facial care
  • Skin cleansing
  • Soaps & hand disinfection
  • Moisturizing care
  • Skin analysis
  • Anti-aging
  • Natural ingredients
  • SPF
  • Blue light filter
  • Self-tanner
  • Sun protection products
  • Testing and regulations


Der Event ist leider schon ausverkauft.

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For Sponsors

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Get a:

  • 20-minute video presentation,
  • an additional video interview

and reach your specific target group
for only € 1,500.

On top of that?

Global attention for your company and your products. Discussion panels on your topic round off the whole thing.

For Visitors

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What can you expect?

  • Excellent expertise: Meet our sponsors and talk to their specialists.
  • Keep up with the industry: Listen to the presentations and get the latest news on developments.
  • eCONNECT: Find the peers and partners you are looking for.

...and many more benefits are waiting for you!

We know the industry. Use our expertise. Become even more successful.

By the way, visitors can register for our eVENTS free of charge.

So be smart and be part of it!

Contact us!

More info or a personal offer? Then go ahead, send us an email!

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