SOFW Goes All-in!

Interview with Daniela Neatu,
Senior Account Manager and Editor, SOFW

Daniela, the SOFW journal subscription has a new name since this year. What is the new name and why the name change? 

Well, the new name is SOFW 360° - All in!  We want to emphasize that this “subscription” is more than a traditional trade journal subscription.

So, what is
 SOFW 360° - All in!?

It offers so much more for our subscribers. 

First of all, it includes the SOFW journal - digital and/or the print version. But on top of that all our subscribers will be able to access our article archive of some 1,300 papers plus hundreds of sample formulations. 

Wow, this sounds like a big library. Is there still more?

Yes, another service is our network. We connect companies with experts. More or less every week we receive questions from readers and we try to find matching specialists or suppliers.

Brand new in our SOFW 360° tool box is our SOFW video library with over 100 oral presentations featuring the latest technology and science for home and personal care industries. Subscribers can watch these any time and as often as they wish.

his is definitely a comprehensive service!

Yes, but this is not all! All subscribers can join our SOFW digital eVENTS for free! The very next one is themed “Green the better Clean? “ and will take place on March 16, 2023 with some very renowned speakers. We hope many of our SOFW 360° subscribers will join. And if you are not yet a subscriber: There is still time to sign up 😊

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