Journal Edition sofw journal 7+8-2022


Aerobic spore-formers of the genus Bacillus are found as contaminants of cosmetic products. Therefore, the primary target is to avoid contaminations with these microorganisms. For this purpose, requirements are needed for raw materials-quality as well as for the hygiene-system in the production areas. Additionally, growth of these contaminants has to be avoided through an effective preservation of product-phases and the finished product. Usual preservative systems can be assumed to be effective against these spore-formers. Cosmetic products containing -counts in conformity with the limits given in ISO 17516 do not present a risk for the product or the health of the user. This applies for products used under usual conditions, and if the microorganisms are not able to multiply in the product and if the conformity of the batch with the required microbiological limits is proven in adequate control tests.

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