We are 100% sure that face to face meetings will return and be part of our private and business life. There is nothing that can replace sitting at an exhibition booth having a conversation or listening to a presentation and feel the vibes in the auditorium.
With very little opportunity to meet in person until now, the upcoming SEPAWA® CONGRESS in Berlin will become the highlight for the Home - & Personal Care industry. The SEPAWA® CONGRESS is the platform to introduce the innovations and to present them to clients. And many will want to attend to get first-hand information and experience face to face meetings with peers and find ad-hoc conversations leading to business opportunities.
Whilst travelling in Germany generally is considered safe, many international visitors may hesitate to fly or cannot travel abroad. Moreover, there is a large number of international industry professionals who have not visited any congress this year and are keen to see the latest developments and visit suppliers, but have travel restrictions. At the same time our exhibitors want to meet with many clients and potential new customers.
How can we then satisfy this need? The answer is hybrid! What does this mean?
We of the SEPAWA® organizational team are sure that the combination of both, electronic and physical events, will be the future format of B2B event business.
The SEPAWA® CONGRESS 2020 will take the next step into the future by creating the 1st SEPAWA® hybrid event. A physical event with all the vibes of human life and a simultaneous online event that still gives you the possibility to interact with all participants – onsite or online.
Meet your business from wherever you are!
The SEPAWA® CONGRESS 2020 HYBRID will be the first event in the personal care, home care, cosmetic and fragrance industry which has this innovative format.
We are confident that this step will help to keep the special flair of the SEPAWA® CONGRESS combined with a modern way of communication and interaction.
For all onsite participants, the organization team developed a hygiene concept together with the venue and the local government, which gives you as a visitor or exhibitor of the physical event, the highest possible safety.
For all those who join online, an easy-to-use tool enables delegates tolisten to talks, visit company booths and collect product information, chat with staff on the booth live or send questions, meet with peers in break out rooms and much more. Stay informed and visit our website regularly.
We think this makes SEPAWA® CONGRESS 2020 HYBRID the most sustainable event in the industry. Back to the future: be present live in Berlin and ahead of the future: visit the SEPAWA® CONGRESS 2020 HYBRID online. Be part of a premiere!
Meet your business from wherever you are!
Your SEPAWA® Team