Cosmetic, home, and personal care product manufacturers are constantly under pressure to get their products on shelves faster. Products must be shown to be safe, effective, and have consistent quality with each use prior to arriving on shelf. The manufacturer must be doing its due diligence to guarantee all those expectations are met via quality control testing. You are only as fast as your slowest method. If you’re using traditional microbial testing, then you’re missing out on what is probably the single greatest opportunity to take days out of your manufacturing process. A rapid microbial detection technology benefits both the lab and operations in streamlining processes while making sure your products are going to distribution on time and safe for use. Take steps to evolve your microbial testing process using rapid methods to bring the efficiency that you expect from your manufacturing line into the lab. The effort that you put into switching from a traditional to a rapid method is miniscule compared to the efficiency that you’ll gain with a rapid microbial method.