Sustainable, readily biodegradable preservation is key for consumer products, as well as their components
What does the word “sustainable” mean to the everyday consumer? While it’s clear that sustainability is growing in importance for home care and consumer products, the term can encompass a number of different considerations; biodegradability, ingredient origin, ethical sourcing, safety, potential hazards, and eco-friendly packaging are all critical aspects that can impact whether a product is perceived as a green choice (Figure 1).
Green labels are increasing in popularity, as they make it easier for consumers to decipher which products align with their personal values and find them on store shelves. While the criteria for each green label certification is different, they each look at certain factors to determine which products meet standards for sustainability. Ingredient selection is an important part of the process of applying for a green label certification, and many programs use approved or restricted ingredient lists to provide guidance to manufacturers seeking certification.