SOFW Journal

A Simple Laboratory Method for Evaluating the Performance of Rinse Aids
A Stable and Standardized Aloe Vera Gel Extract with Proven Efficacy in Oral and Personal Care Applications
A Stable and Standardized Aloe Vera Gel Extract with Proven Efficacy in Oral and Personal Care Applications
A Vitaminizing Boost to Improve Scalp Health
Advances in Enzyme Engineering: Delivering on the Need for Sustainable Laundry Detergents
Advancing Sustainability in Hair Care Using a Multifunctional Surfactant
Aerobe Sporenbildner (Bacillus spp.) als Kontaminanten kosmetischer Mittel
Aerobic Spore-Formers (Bacillus spp.) as Contaminants of Cosmetic Products
Aging Better: Clinical Approaches to the Visible Signs of Skin Aging
Alternative and Functional Preservation from the Lichen’s Secondary Metabolite
Alternative und multifunktionale Konservierung durch sekundäre Stoffwechselprodukte aus der Flechte
An Antigraying Technology to Sustain Whiteness on Multiple Fabric Types and Different Stain Types
An Instant Lift for Skin through the Power of Algae
Anwenderfreundliches Ceramid zum Wiederaufbau der Haut
Astaxanthin – der rote Diamant unter den Antioxidantien. Ein kraftvoller Wirkstoff für strahlende und gesunde Haut
Astaxanthin – the Red Diamond Amongst Antioxidants. A Powerful Ingredient to Support a Radiant and Healthy Skin
Aufbruch in eine grünere Zukunft
Austrian Natural Astaxanthin – a Unique Active Ingredient for Biological Cell Protection
Authentic Beauty: Restoring the Biotic Balance of Blemish-Prone Skin
Authentische Schönheit: Das biotische Gleichgewicht unreiner Haut wiederherstellen
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